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Tutoriel de point de boutonnière

Tutoriel de point de boutonnière

The buttonhole stitch is used for both buttons and some of the finest ornamental cut work embroidery designs. It is both ornamental and functional, making it a must have stitch in any embroiderer&#...

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MARY ......................POINT DE NOEUD

MARY ......................POINT DE NOEUD

I have a theory about embroidered knots. It's not a profound theory. It's actually a very simple theory, and it goes like this: Seen one, seen 'em all. Whether you're stitching the French knot or ...

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J'ai commencé une série de petits pochons, tous du même format qui peuvent servir à ranger de la lingerie, des doudous, etc... Pour celui-ci je suis partie d'un dessin d'éléphant trouvé sur ...

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jeu de dés

jeu de dés

Provides free image upload and hosting integration for forums. Free picture hosting and photo sharing for websites and blogs. Автор поста: Алла Борейко. Находите и сохраняйте интересные и полезные идеи на Постиле! | Самое ценное по тем...

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